About Us

Sylvestre & Co.
Since 1972.

Sylvestre & Co. was founded to provide cultural insights. Today, as we celebrate 50 years of unparalleled qualitative research, this expertise spans multiple industries, geographies, and methodologies.

Sylvestre was founded with Cultural Insights in mind.

In the early 1970s , many companies were struggling to reach their full potential in Quebec due to a lack of cultural understanding. Sylvestre & Co. was established with a mission to provide Cultural Insights, and bridge this gap.

While we are proud of our legacy, we are even more excited about the prospects for the future. As the world continues to change rapidly, consumer empathy has become increasingly vital. We are poised to overcome any obstacle and create new opportunities to help our clients thrive, one valuable insight at a time.

Our Values

Above our work ethic and passion for excellence in qualitative research, bringing us together are our three core values:


We cherish everyone’s unique perspectives. Individuality makes for a stronger team.


Empathy is rooted in who we are, what we do and how we do it.


We bring a ‘joie de vivre’ to every project. We create unforgettable, enriching and engaging learning experiences.

Our Team

I have to admit consumer empathy is not just what I do, it’s a part of me as much as it is my business. Over the years, I’ve built a team of unique individuals that share my passion to unlock human truths and inspire our clients with empowering consumer understanding.

Isabelle Landreville, M.Sc.
President & Chief Insight Seeker

I am the team’s relator, no matter who I’m surrounded by, putting myself in their shoes is what I do. I strive to make sense of ‘human’ stories to drive business impact

Jordan Brown
Resident Storyteller

My sole purpose is to make sure that with every research project, all parties involved are set up for success. I know I can find a solution, if there’s a will there’s a way!

Natalie Piché
Lead Project Manager

Given my client-side background in brand marketing, I have an intuitive sense of what it takes to make an insight fuel business growth. This drives me to transform insights into actionable recommendations.

Kathleen Jackson
Insight Seeker & Strategist

With unwavering enthusiasm, I am dedicated to the never-ending learning journey. I believe each interaction with a client or a consumer offers a valuable perspective, enriching our shared understanding. Armed with the right tools and driven to satisfy our clients' curiosity, I am confident in my ability to navigate the path to deeper action-inspiring insights.

Marin de Pralormo
Insight Seeker & Strategist

I’m a people person. For me, a meal isn’t a meal if I’m alone and can’t share a conversation with others. In everything I do, I love feeling connected with those around me by understanding their thoughts, needs and desires. This curiosity of mine is what drives me to uncover meaningful human insights.

Catherine Cadieux-Fredette
Insight Seeker & Strategist

I thrive in situations where I can be both empathetic and curious. My love for research stems from constantly trying to understand the why in every pattern of behaviour. While curiosity is why I love marketing research, empathy is how I go about it. Whether I'm interacting with a client or a participant, I see them as a unique individual with unique needs, which makes it easy for me to put myself in their shoes.

Clareana Santanna Suarez
Resident Anthropologist

I like to think I don’t work for a living. I have the pleasure of listening to people and then wrapping it all up in great stories that fuel business decisions.

Julie Sylvestre, CMRP
Lead Insight Seeker & Strategist

Up for anything at any moment, I am always looking to collaborate by injecting fun wherever I go. Woof!

Chief Morale Officer

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